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Take care of your teeth!

Really! If you aren't brushing at least twice a day and aren't flossing daily shame on you! You're going to need your teeth in retirement. But sometimes, even if you're doing all the right things, your teeth can go bad. Genes are genes. What to do?

You probably already know that dental work can get very expensive. Root canals can run well over two grand! And despite your eagerness to get to age 65 for "free" medical care, your teeth aren't in the mix. Medicare doesn't cover dental work.

But you can still look to certain supplemental plans under Medicare Advantage that can dampen the cost. Your best bet is to get an idea of what dental procedures should cost. You'll find that here: Cost

But let's say you're wondering if dental insurance is a good deal versus paying out of pocket. You can find information on dental plans here: NADP

Lastly, maybe you just don't have enough money for dental care. There are a number of low cost or even free dental services organizations which can be found here: Free

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